Andreas Holzinger Lecture 5 – Version 2013/14 Semi structured & weakly structured data Structural homologies VO 444.152 Medical Informatics A. Holzinger 444.152 1/75 Med Informatics L5 Schedule 1. Intro: Computer Science meets Life Sciences, challenges, future directions 2. Back to the future: Fundamentals of Data, Information and Knowledge 3. Structured Data: Coding, Classification (ICD, SNOMED, MeSH, UMLS) 4. Biomedical Databases: Acquisition, Storage, Information Retrieval and Use 5. Semi structured and weakly structured data (structural homologies) 6. Multimedia Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 7. Knowledge and Decision: Cognitive Science & Human‐Computer Interaction 8. Biomedical Decision Making: Reasoning and Decision Support 9. Intelligent Information Visualization and Visual Analytics 10. Biomedical Information Systems and Medical Knowledge Management 11. Biomedical Data: Privacy, Safety and Security 12. Methodology for Info Systems: System Design, Usability & Evaluation A. Holzinger 444.152 2/75 Med Informatics L5 Learning Goals … at the end of the 5th lecture you … … have an overview on various dimensions of data in biomedical informatics; … are aware of the various contents of Electronic Patient Records; … have seen some application examples of topological structures from both macro‐cosmos and micro‐cosmos and are fascinated about it; … have a rough overview about some basics of computational topology; … have an understanding of the challenges of weakly structured data; A. Holzinger 444.152 3/75 Med Informatics L5 Keywords of the 5th Lecture Big data pools Complex networks Computational graph representation Electronic patient record (EPR) Homology modeling Macroscopic structures Medical documentation Metabolic network Microscopic structures Network metrics Structural data dimension Topological structures A. Holzinger 444.152 4/75 Med Informatics L5 Advance Organizer (1/3) A‐G Adjacency matrix = simplest form of computational graph representation, in which 0 or 1 denotes whether or not there is a directed edge from one node to another (in graph theory adjacent nodes in a graph are linked by an edge); Artifacts = not only a noise disturbance, which is contaminating and influencing the signal (surrogates) but also data which is wrong, however interpreted as to be reliable, consequently may lead to a wrong decision; Computational graph representation = e.g. by adjacency matrices Data fusion = data integration techniques that analyze data from multiple sources in order to develop insights in ways that are more efficient and potentially more accurate than if they were developed by analyzing a single source of data. Signal processing techniques can be used to implement some types of data fusion (e.g. combined sensor data in Ambient Assisted Living); Global Distance Test (GDT) = a measure of similarity between two protein structures with identical amino acid sequences but different tertiary structures. It is most commonly used to compare the results of protein structure prediction to the experimentally determined structure as measured by X‐ray crystallography or protein NMRM; Graph theory = study of mathematical structures to model relations between objects from a certain collection; Graphs = a hypothetical structure consisting of a series of nodes connected by weighted edges (graphs can be directed/undirected and stoichometric/non‐ stoichometric regarding interaction classes); A. Holzinger 444.152 5/75 Med Informatics L5 Advance Organizer (2/3) H‐P Homology = in mathematics (especially algebraic topology and abstract algebra), it is (ὁμόιος homos = "identical") a certain general procedure to associate a sequence of Abelian groups (i.e. does not depend on their order) or modules with a given mathematical object such as a topological space or a group; Homology modeling = comparative modeling of protein, refers to constructing an atomic‐resolution model of the "target" protein from its amino acid sequence and an experimental three‐dimensional structure of a related homologous protein (the "template"); in Bioinformatics, homology modeling is a technique that can be used in molecular medicine. In silico = via computer simulation, in contrast to in vivo (within the living) or in vitro (within the glass); Multi‐scale representation = in a graph, nodes do not have to represent biological objects on the same scale, one node (e.g. a molecule) may have an edge connecting it to a node representing a cell or tissue (the edge indicates that the molecule exerts an effect on the cell/tissue); Network = graphs containing cycles or alternative paths; Network analysis = a set of techniques used to characterize relationships among discrete nodes in a graph or a network; Network topology = the shape or structure of a network; Petri‐Net = a special class of graph, consisting of two general classes or node: place and transition nodes; Predictive modeling = a set of techniques in which a mathematical model is created or chosen to best predict the probability of an outcome (e.g. regression); P‐System = addresses the slowness of Petri‐nets A. Holzinger 444.152 6/75 Med Informatics L5 Advance Organizer (3/3) R‐V Radius of a graph = average minimum path length (biological networks are not arranged in a regular or symmetrical pattern); Scale‐free Topology = ensures that there are very short paths between any given pair of nodes, allowing rapid communication between otherwise distant parts of the network (e.g. the Web has such a topology); Semi‐structured data = does not conform with the formal structure of tables/data models assoc. with relational databases, but at least contains tags/markers to separate semantic elements and enforce hierarchies of records and fields within the data; aka schemaless or self‐describing structure; the entities belonging to the same class may have different attributes even though they are grouped together; Spatial analysis = a set of techniques, applied from statistics, which analyze the topological, geometric, or geographic properties encoded in a data set; Structural homology = similar structure but different function; Supervised learning = machine learning techniques that infer a function or relationship from a set of training data (e.g. classification and support vector machines); Time series analysis = set of techniques from both statistics and signal processing for analyzing sequences of data points, representing values at successive times, to extract meaningful characteristics from the data; Time series forecasting = use of a model to predict future values of a time series based on known past values of the same or other series (e.g. structural modeling); decomposition of a series into trend, seasonal, and residual components, which can be useful for identifying cyclical patterns in the data; Unstructured data = complete randomness, noise; (wrongly, text is called unstructured, but there is some structure, too, so text data is a kind of weakly structured data); Vertex degree = within a topology, the numbers of edges connecting to a node; A. Holzinger 444.152 7/75 Med Informatics L5 Glossary ANSI = American National Standards Institute CD = cardiac development CDA = Clinical Document Architecture CHD = congenital heart disease CMM = Correlated motif mining DPI = Dossier Patient Integre´ = integrated patient record E = Edge EPR = Electronic Patient Record G(V,E) = Graph GI = gastrointestinal HER = Electronic Health Record HL7 = Health Level 7 KEGG = Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes NP = nondeterministic polynomial time OWL = Web Ontology Language PPI = Protein‐Protein Interaction SGML = Standard Generalized Markup Language TF= Transcription factor TG = Target Gene V = Vertex XML = Extensible Markup Language A. Holzinger 444.152 8/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐1: Mathematically seen our world is … Complex and High dimensional Geschwind, D. H. & Konopka, G. 2009. Neuroscience in the era of functional genomics and systems biology. Nature, 461, (7266), 908‐915. A. Holzinger 444.152 9/75 Med Informatics L5 Weakly‐Structured Slide 5‐2: Remember: Standardization/Structurization Omics Data Natural Language Text Well‐Structured XML Databases Libraries RDF, OWL Standardized A. Holzinger 444.152 Non‐Standardized 10/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐3: Example: Well‐Structured Data A. Holzinger 444.152 11/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐4: Example: Semi‐structured Data: XML <?xml version="1.0"?> <patient> <patient-id>11111</patient-id> <Name>Chen</Name> <Date of Birth>1.1.1900</Date of Birth> <diagnosis> <code>123</code> <diagnosistext>Myocardinfarct</diagnosistext> </diagnosis> </patient> Holzinger, A. (2003) Basiswissen IT/Informatik. Band 2: Informatik. Das Basiswissen für die Informationsgesellschaft des 21. Jahrhunderts. Wuerzburg, Vogel Buchverlag. A. Holzinger 444.152 12/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐5 Example: Generic XML template for a med. report DPI = Dossier Patient Integre´ = integrated patient record Rassinoux, A.‐M., Lovis, C., Baud, R. & Geissbuhler, A. (2003) XML as standard for communicating in a document‐based electronic patient record: a 3 years experiment. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 70, 2‐3, 109‐115. A. Holzinger 444.152 13/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐6 Comparison of XML ‐ RDF/OWL in Bioinformatics Louie, B., Mork, P., Martin‐ Sanchez, F., Halevy, A. & Tarczy‐Hornoch, P. 2007. Data integration and genomic medicine. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 40, (1), 5‐16. A. Holzinger 444.152 14/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐6 Example: Weakly structured data set ‐ PPI Kim, P. M., Korbel, J. O. & Gerstein, M. B. 2007. Positive selection at the protein network periphery: Evaluation in terms of structural constraints and cellular context. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104, (51), 20274‐20279. A. Holzinger 444.152 15/75 Med Informatics L5 Networks = Graphs + Data A. Holzinger 444.152 16/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐7: Complex Biological Systems key concepts In order to understand complex biological systems, the three following key concepts need to be considered: (i) emergence, the discovery of links between elements of a system because the study of individual elements such as genes, proteins and metabolites is insufficient to explain the behavior of whole systems; (ii) robustness, biological systems maintain their main functions even under perturbations imposed by the environment; and (iii) modularity, vertices sharing similar functions are highly connected. Network theory can largely be applied for biomedical informatics, because many tools are already available A. Holzinger 444.152 17/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐8: Networks on the Example of Bioinformatics , … … , ∈ ; , Hodgman, C. T., French, A. & Westhead, D. R. (2010) Bioinformatics. Second Edition. New York, Taylor & Francis. A. Holzinger 444.152 18/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐9: Computational Graph Representation , , Adjacency (ə‐ˈjā‐sən(t)‐sē) Matrix 2 1 5 3 4 6 1 3 1 2 3 , 2 3 2 5 1 ∈ 6 5 4 Simple graph, symmetric, binary Directed and weighted For more information: Diestel, R. (2010) Graph Theory, 4th Edition. Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer. A. Holzinger 444.152 19/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐10: Example: Tool for Node‐Link Visualization Jean‐Daniel Fekete Fekete, J.‐D. The infovis toolkit. Information Visualization, INFOVIS 2004, 2004. IEEE, 167‐174. A. Holzinger 444.152 20/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐11: Some Network Metrics (1/2) Order = total number of nodes n; Size = total number of links (a): Clustering Coefficient (b) = the degree of concentration of the connections of the node’s neighbors in a graph and gives a measure of local inhomogeneity of the link density: 2 1 1 Path length (c) = is the arithmetical mean of all the distances: 1 1 Costa, L. F., Rodrigues, F. A., Travieso, G. & Boas, P. R. V. (2007) Characterization of complex networks: A survey of measurements. Advances in Physics, 56, 1, 167‐242. A. Holzinger 444.152 21/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐12: Some Network Metrics (2/2) Centrality (d) = the level of “betweenness‐ centrality” of a node I (“hub‐node in Slide 28); Nodal degree (e) = number of links connecting i to its neighbors: ∑ Modularity (f) = describes the possible formation of communities in the network, indicating how strong groups of nodes form relative isolated sub‐networks within the full network (refer also to Slide 5‐8). A. Holzinger 444.152 22/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐13: Network Topologies Das Bild k ann zurzeit nicht angezeigt werden. Scale‐free network Modular network Van Heuvel & Hulshoff (2010) A. Holzinger 444.152 23/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐14: Small‐World Networks Increasing randomness 21.000 citations … Watts, D. J. & Strogatz, S. (1998) Collective dynamics of small‐world networks. Nature, 393, 6684, 440‐442. Milgram, S. 1967. The small world problem. Psychology today, 2, (1), 60‐67. A. Holzinger 444.152 24/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐15 Graphs from Point Cloud Data Sets Lézoray, O. & Grady, L. 2012. Graph theory concepts and definitions used in image processing and analysis. In: Lézoray, O. & Grady, L. (eds.) Image Processing and Analysing With Graphs: Theory and Practice. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press, pp. 1‐24. A. Holzinger 444.152 25/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐16 Graphs from Images a) quadtree tessellation b) RAG assoc. to the quadtree c) Watershed Algorithm d) SLIC superpixels Lézoray, O. & Grady, L. 2012. Graph theory concepts and definitions used in image processing and analysis. In: Lézoray, O. & Grady, L. (eds.) Image Processing and Analysing With Graphs: Theory and Practice. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press, pp. 1‐24. A. Holzinger 444.152 26/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐18 Example Watershed Algorithm Meijster, A. & Roerdink, J. B. A proposal for the implementation of a parallel watershed algorithm. Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 1995. Springer, 790‐795. A. Holzinger 444.152 27/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐19 Graphs from Images: Watershed + Centroid A. Holzinger 444.152 28/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐20 Graphs from Images: Voronoi <> Delauney A. Holzinger 444.152 29/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐21 Points ‐> Voronoi ‐> Delaunay Kropatsch, W., Burge, M. & Glantz, R. 2001. Graphs in Image Analysis. In: Kropatsch, W. & Bischof, H. (eds.) Digital Image Analysis. Springer New York, pp. 179‐197. A. Holzinger 444.152 30/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐22 Example: Graph Entropy Measures Holzinger et al. 2013. On Graph Entropy Measures for Knowledge Discovery from Publication Network Data. In: LNCS 8127, 354‐362. A. Holzinger 444.152 31/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐23: Example for a Medical Knowledge Space # Nodes: 641 # Edges: 1250 Agent Condition Pharmacological Group Other Documents A. Holzinger 444.152 Average Degree: 3,888 Average Path Length: 4.683 Network Diameter: 9 Holzinger, A., et al. 2013. Constraints of List‐based Knowledge Interaction. In: Medicine 2.0 London, in print. 32/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐24: Medical Details of the Graph Nodes drugs clinical guidelines patient conditions (indication, contraindication) pharmacological groups tables and calculations of medical scores algorithms and other medical documents Edges: 3 crucial types of relations inducing medical relevance between two active substances pharmacological groups indications contra‐indications A. Holzinger 444.152 33/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐25: Example for the shortest path Holzinger, A., et al. 2013. Constraints of List‐based Knowledge Interaction. In: Medicine 2.0 London Henzinger, M. R., Klein, P., Rao, S. & Subramanian, S. 1997. Faster shortest-path algorithms for planar graphs. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 55, (1), 3-23. A. Holzinger 444.152 34/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐26: Example for finding related structures Relationship between Adrenaline (center black node) and Dobutamine (top left black node) Blue: Pharmacological Group Dark red: Contraindication; Light red: Condition Green nodes (from dark to light): 1. Application (one ore more indications + corresponding dosages) 2. Single indication with additional details (e. g. “VF after 3rd Shock”) 3. Condition (e.g. VF, Ventricular Fibrillation) A. Holzinger 444.152 35/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐27: Example: The brain is a complex network Van Den Heuvel, M. P. & Hulshoff Pol, H. E. (2010) Exploring the brain network: a review on resting‐state fMRI functional connectivity. European Neuropsycho‐ pharmacology, 20, 8, 519‐534. A. Holzinger 444.152 36/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐28: Representative Examples of disease complexes Examples of 4 functional networks driving the development of different anatomical structures in the human heart of a 37‐day old human embryo Lage, K. et. al (2010) Dissecting spatio‐temporal protein networks driving human heart development and related disorders. Molecular systems biology, 6, 1, 1‐9. A. Holzinger 444.152 37/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐29: Example: Cell‐based therapy Lage et. al (2010) A. Holzinger 444.152 38/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐30: Identifying Networks in Disease Research Schadt, E. E. & Lum, P. Y. (2006) Reverse engineering gene networks to identify key drivers of complex disease phenotypes. Journal of lipid research, 47, 12, 2601‐2613. A. Holzinger 444.152 39/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐31: Three main types of biomedical networks Transcriptional regulatory network with two components: TF = transcription factor TG = target genes (TF regulates the transcription of TG) A. Holzinger 444.152 Protein‐Protein interaction network Metabolic network (constructed considering the reactants, chemical reactions and enzymes) Costa, L. F., Rodrigues, F. A. & Cristino, A. S. (2008) Complex networks: the key to systems biology. Genetics and Molecular Biology, 31, 3, 591–601. 40/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐32: Example Transcriptional Regulatory Network Salgado, H., Santos‐ Zavaleta, A., Gama‐ Castro, S., Peralta‐Gil, M., Peñaloza‐Spínola, M. I., Martínez‐ Antonio, A., Karp, P. D. & Collado‐Vides, J. 2006. The comprehensive updated regulatory network of Escherichia coli K‐12. BMC bioinformatics, 7, (1), 5. A. Holzinger 444.152 41/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐33: Network Representations of Protein Complexes Protein complex True PPI topology Spoke‐Model Matrix‐Model Wang, Z. & Zhang, J. Z. (2007) In search of the biological significance of modular structures in protein networks. PLoS Computational Biology, 3, 6, 1011‐1021. A. Holzinger 444.152 42/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐34 Correlated Motif Mining (CMM) Boyen, P., Van Dyck, D., Neven, F., van Ham, R. C. H. J. & van Dijk, A. (2011) SLIDER: A Generic Metaheuristic for the Discovery of Correlated Motifs in Protein‐Protein Interaction Networks. Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, IEEE/ACM Transactions on, 8, 5, 1344‐1357. A. Holzinger 444.152 43/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐35 Steepest Ascent Algorithm applied to CMM Boyen et al. (2011) A. Holzinger 444.152 44/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐36: Metabolic Network E1 2 M5 M4 E2 M1 M2 E3 M3 M1 M2 M1 M4 M1 M5 M2 M1 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M2 M3 M1 0 1 0 1 1 M2 M4 M2 1 0 1 1 0 M4 M1 M3 0 0 0 0 0 M5 M1 M4 1 0 0 0 0 M5 1 0 0 0 0 Matrix contains many sparse elements ‐ In this case it is computationally more efficient to represent the graph as an adjacency list A. Holzinger 444.152 45/75 Hodgman, C. T., French, A. & Westhead, D. R. (2010) Bioinformatics. Second Edition. New York, Taylor & Francis. Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐37 Metabolic networks are usually big … big data … Schmid, A. K., Reiss, D. J., Pan, M., Koide, T. & Baliga, N. S. (2009) A single transcription factor regulates evolutionarily diverse but functionally linked metabolic pathways in response to nutrient availability. Molecular Systems Biology, 5, 1‐9. A. Holzinger 444.152 46/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐38 Using EPRs to Discover Disease Correlations Electronic patient records remain a unexplored, but potentially rich data source for example to discover correlations between diseases. Roque, F. S., Jensen, P. B., Schmock, H., Dalgaard, M., Andreatta, M., Hansen, T., Søeby, K., Bredkjær, S., Juul, A., Werge, T., Jensen, L. J. & Brunak, S. (2011) Using Electronic Patient Records to Discover Disease Correlations and Stratify Patient Cohorts. PLoS Computational Biology, 7, 8, e1002141. A. Holzinger 444.152 47/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐39: Heatmap of disease‐disease correlations (ICD) Roque, F. S. et al (2011) Using Electronic Patient Records to Discover Disease Correlations and Stratify Patient Cohorts. PLoS Comput Biol, 7, 8, e1002141. A. Holzinger 444.152 48/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐40: Example: ὁμολογέω (homologeo) He, Y., Chen, Y., Alexander, P., Bryan, P. N. & Orban, J. (2008) NMR structures of two designed proteins with high sequence identity but different fold and function. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105, 38, 14412. A. Holzinger 444.152 49/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐41 Conclusion Homology modeling is a knowledge‐based prediction of protein structures. In homology modeling a protein sequence with an unknown structure (the target) is aligned with one or more protein sequences with known structures (the templates). The method is based on the principle that homologue proteins have similar structures. Homology modeling will be extremely important to personalized and molecular medicine in the future. A. Holzinger 444.152 50/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐42: Future Outlook Personalized Medicine EB Proteomics PB TB Genomics 2003 A. Holzinger 444.152 2013 51/75 2023 Med Informatics L5 Thank you! A. Holzinger 444.152 52/75 Med Informatics L5 Sample Questions Which are the four main “big data” pools in the health care domain and what problems involved? What is the main problem in medical documentation? What is the advantage of an integrated Patient record? What are the advantages/disadvantages of XML/OWL for data in bioinformatics? What are the three key concepts in order to understand complex biological systems? What are the main symbols describing a network as used in Bioinformatics? How can networks represented computationally effectively? What are the main network metrics? What are the main network topologies used in Biomedical informatics? What is the Small‐World Theory? Why is the study of networks relevant for medical professionals? Which are the three main types of biomedical networks? What is a Motif? What benefits can we gain from Correlated Motif Mining (CMM)? What is more efficient if a matrix contains many sparse elements? Why are structural homologies interesting for biomedical informatics? A. Holzinger 444.152 53/75 Med Informatics L5 Some Useful Links A. Holzinger 444.152 54/75 Med Informatics L5 Appendix: clustering network motifs in integrated networks http://omics.frias.uni‐ A. Holzinger 444.152 55/75 Med Informatics L5 Example from Immunology: Structural Homology Calandra, T. & Roger, T. 2003. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor: a regulator of innate immunity. Nat Rev Immunol, 3, 791‐800. A. Holzinger 444.152 56/75 Med Informatics L5 Klein Bottle A. Holzinger 444.152 57/75 Med Informatics L5 Medical Documentation – Patient Record A. Holzinger 444.152 58/75 Med Informatics L5 Medical Documentation ‐ Electronic Patient Record A. Holzinger 444.152 59/75 Med Informatics L5 Challenge is in Genomic medicine … … to integrate and analyze these diverse and voluminous data sources to elucidate both normal and disease physiology. XML is suited for describing semi‐structured data including a natural modeling of biological entities, because it allows features as e.g. nesting … A. Holzinger 444.152 60/75 Med Informatics L5 Example: Comparison of XML and OWL data in bioinformatics difficulty of modeling many‐to‐ many relationships, such as the relationship between genes and functions Louie, B., Mork, P., Martin‐Sanchez, F., Halevy, A. & Tarczy‐ Hornoch, P. (2007) Data integration and genomic medicine. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 40, 1, 5‐16. A. Holzinger 444.152 61/75 Med Informatics L5 On time and space of data … A. Holzinger 444.152 62/75 Med Informatics L5 … to microscopic atomistic structures Wiltgen, M. & Holzinger, A. (2005) Visualization in Bioinformatics: Protein Structures with Physicochemical and Biological Annotations. In: Central European Multimedia and Virtual Reality Conference. Prague, Czech Technical University (CTU), 69‐74 A. Holzinger 444.152 63/75 Med Informatics L5 First yeast protein‐protein interaction network (2001) Nodes = proteins Links = physical interactions (bindings) Red Nodes = lethal Green Nodes = non‐lethal Organge = slow growth Yellow = not known Jeong, H., Mason, S. P., Barabasi, A. L. & Oltvai, Z. N. (2001) Lethality and centrality in protein networks. Nature, 411, 6833, 41‐42. A. Holzinger 444.152 64/75 Med Informatics L5 The Nature of Space and Time A. Holzinger 444.152 65/75 Med Informatics L5 Clouds of data – unordered sequence of points in n‐dim Let us collect ‐dimensional observations: Point cloud in topological space metric space Zomorodian, A. J. 2005. Topology for computing, Cambridge (MA), Cambridge University Press. A. Holzinger 444.152 66/75 Med Informatics L5 Example: To predict the folding of a protein Source: Theoretical and computational Biophysics Group: A. Holzinger 444.152 67/75 Med Informatics L5 Backup Slide: Overview Some Network Metrics Van Heuvel & Hulshoff (2010) A. Holzinger 444.152 68/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐19: Watershed Principle Catchment basins: treating an image as a height field or landscape, regions where the rain would flow into the same lake Start flooding from local minima, and label ridges wherever differently evolving components meet A. Holzinger 444.152 69/75 Med Informatics L5 A. Holzinger 444.152 70/75 Med Informatics L5 Slide 5‐15 Graphs from Images: Voronoi <> Delauney A. Holzinger 444.152 71/75 Med Informatics L5 A. Holzinger 444.152 72/75 Med Informatics L5 Example: Cell based therapy (1) (Heart transplantation) Chien, K. R., Domian, I. J. & Parker, K. K. (2008) Cardiogenesis and the complex biology of regenerative cardiovascular medicine. Science, 322, 5907, 1494. A. Holzinger 444.152 73/75 Med Informatics L5 Example: Cell based therapy (2) (Heart transplantation) Chien et al. (2008) A. Holzinger 444.152 74/75 Med Informatics L5 Example: Network Generated by Gene Duplication High Modularity (Modularity = 0.6717, Scaled Modularity = 29); Different colors represent different modules identified by Guimera and Amaral’s algorithm [28]. Guimera R, Amaral LAN (2005) Functional cartography of complex metabolic networks. Nature 433: 895–900. Wang & Zhang (2007) A. Holzinger 444.152 75/75 Med Informatics L5